What to paint a house facade on plaster with – we will consider 7 popular paints

Article for those to whom painting of a facade of the house on plaster is necessary, and therefore interest the questions connected with the choice of the painting material (PM), technology of coloring. The exterior and trouble-free operation depends on type and quality of material.

Criteria for selection of paint for a facade

To make the house more beautifully, probably, many beginning house owners so represent the painting purpose.

In practice coloring of facades achieves two objectives:

  • protection of walls against the destroying environmental impact;
  • satisfying of esthetic requirements.

KM form a layer of a protective film on a surface. To what thin the paint layer would not seem, the film material including artificial or more naturally fillers resists:

  • Sunlight component UF;
  • to penetration of water into a plaster cover;
  • to wall oblyubovyvaniye fungus, lichens, microorganisms;
  • to superficial washing out;
  • to freezing (preventing water absorption, interferes with breaking of plaster on a frost);
  • to presenilation.

Besides, the colourful film allows plaster and walls "to breathe".

Make sure that paint is recommended by firm for front work (also universal will approach).

Paint superfluous does not happen, but it is interesting to zealous owner to know how to choose KM, it is better suitable to conditions of its household. Painting of a facade of the house on plaster is possible not all paints that are on sale, and from those that approach, not all yield the best result.

To believe that there is a painting means, universal, ideal for all operational conditions — a mistake. The materials having a different basis (solvent, the modifying additives) differ in physical, chemical, operational characteristics.

Characteristics important for coloring and operation:

  • resistance to influence of factors of the atmosphere (to temperature fluctuations, rainfall, etc.);
  • resistance to an ultra-violet range of sunbeams;
  • water repellency;
  • vapor permeability degree (degree of usefulness of conditions for microorganisms influences a possibility of a skaplivaniye of condensate under a film and also);
  • resistance to the biological attack of microfauna and microflora;
  • rheology and viscosity (influence a possibility of uniform drawing a paint layer);
  • adhesiveness (characteristic of durability of coupling of KM with a surface);
  • drying speed (it is taken into account if several layers are put);
  • crack resistance or elasticity (the colourful film has to maintain expansion and shrinkage of a plaster covering at difference of external temperatures), indicator it is important when coloring new buildings to which shrinkage still is necessary;
  • expense (size is directly connected with quality of the basis – for rough surfaces the expense will be more);
  • safety (toxicity, for example, in case of use of organic solvent, fire danger);
  • content of binding substances (at the small contents that happens in inexpensive structures, service life decreases);
  • service life (determines duration of an interval between renovations);
  • price.


Besides, the choice is based on compliance of KM to that basis on which paint is applied (plaster type, material of walls under plaster finishing). Vapor permeability parameter is important for a gas concrete. For silicate plasters the KM on silicate knitting is necessary.

Important for the choice on decorative indicators of characteristic:

  • glossiness or dullness (glossy structures well look on plaster with a smooth surface, otherwise emphasize the slightest scratches);
  • covering ability;
  • possible palette.
Before acquisition get acquainted with put down by the producer issue date (structures lose a part of working properties over time).

What to make up a house facade after plaster with

Paint for the plastered wall from a brick has to have the high parameter of vapor permeability. The porosity and resistance to the alkaline environment is important for concrete.

Cover a wooden surface with moisture resistant and elastic paint, however, moisture resistant and vapor-permeable material will be suitable for any plastered basis.

For the plastered, wooden or concrete walls with obvious cracks take crack-proof rubber paint better — it will perfectly hide defects or will prevent their emergence.

There is a rule output from experience: what basis of plaster, such basis of paint suits it. Besides, silicone or silicate KM suit for limy and cement coverings, practically all types of paints are suitable for cement or limy and cement structures.


Thanks to polymeric connections on the basis of acrylic forms an elastic film, resistant to mechanical influences. UFL and also to formation of cracks at microdeformations of walls resists bioaggressors. Gidrofobna, but a paropronitsayema that is important for wooden walls under plaster.

Producers produce acrylic KM on organic (allow coloring at t to - 15 ° C) or water and disperse bases. The most economical option for coloring of a facade. Well lays down on plasters of different types, it is tenacious keeps, poorly is used up, washes. More than 7 years serve.

Do not apply over limy plaster coverings.


Most "rezinisty" — extensible paint. If the house did not pass the shrinkage period yet, – the best option for coloring. Also is suitable for the buildings built near railway ways in seismic regions.

Polymeric compounds of silicone pitches with the structure impenetrable for water (the property remains irrespective of weather), but permeable for steam are the cornerstone. Apply even to "whimsical" limy plaster with which does not clash. It is considered the guaranteed long-liver among KM – before quarter of the century serves without complaints.

It is not toxic, does not react to harmful chemical atmospheric substances, well washes. Does not accumulate a statics and dust. Expensive option of coloring.


Thanks to a zhidkostekolny basis has the increased water resistance. Dirt from such film is removed during a rain. It is easily washed. As well as silicone it is not attractive to a biota.

Well "sticks" to the plastered surfaces, does not react to ultraviolet, aggressive chemical substances of the atmosphere. Not the goryucha, is not toxic (except for a drawing phase), a paropronitsayema. Serves up to 20 years.


  • more expensively than the majority of KM;
  • it is not elastic (does not transfer shrinkages of the building);
  • "is whimsical" when drawing (the skill and ability are necessary);
  • is not on friendly terms with KM on other basis;
  • components mix before coloring.
Examples of silicate paints for a facade


The structure on a mineral basis (a white portlandtsement + pigments) is applied quite often by builders. The reason for that – the low price, an inorganic (mineral) basis, resistance to fire, weather influence. Forms an opaque surface.

Is issued also as the textured paint hiding defects. Thanks to bactericidal additives, it is resistant to a mold. It is intended for coloring of cement, cement and limy plaster. It is not elastic.


From a class of mineral, it is made on the basis of lime. The choice of flowers is limited as the alkaline basis demands pigments, resistant to alkalis. Bakteritsidna, a paropronitsayema, a negoryucha, is eco-friendly. Well lays down on mineral plasters. Badly transfers rainfall which is using up and mechanical influences. Because of what serves not for long, it is renewed annually.


Treats organic as pigments get divorced on drying oil or other oil substances. It is eco-friendly, however when drawing and drying (long) exudes an easily recognizable specific smell. The film badly resists influence of solar ultraviolet, over time shrinks, bursts. Low moisture-proofness. It is applied year by year more and more seldom. Serves up to 5 years.

Latex paints

As a part of water and dispersive KM there are rubber particles. Owing to what the latex painting materials are elastic, iznosoustoychiva, vlagoottalkivayushch. Material strong, "long-playing" (20 years of service), eco-friendly, vapor-permeable. It is tenacious keeps on any plaster surfaces.

Minuses: KM it is combustible, have no own protection against a mold

Seldom used types of paints

KM on the basis of perkhlorvinilovy suspension use where the atmosphere contains a lot of aggressive chemistry. Paints bright, dry rather quickly, vysokoadgezivna, are elastic. Contain light-resistant pigments.

Color keeps on a facade up to 6 years. Do not allow emergence of the centers of biodefeat. When drying the xylol therefore protection for airways and skin of hands is required evaporates. Apply to coloring at minus indications of thermometers.


  • promote burning;
  • do not lay down on paints with other basis;
  • high price.
Paint of perkhlorvinilovy suspension

Councils for the choice of color

We recommend to consider some criteria when choosing color:

  • color of walls and roof have to be combined therefore if with a color for a roof it is not solved finally, then painting of a facade of the house in pastel tone on plaster the best option for walls yet;
  • if the roof of dark tone, then external walls paint in light colors;
  • that the house looked more elegant, more dynamic, use two shades (for apertures – lighter of tone, than for walls), the return combination is applied less often, having only consulted to the designer;
  • parts of a facade allocate with either structure of a covering, or color (two means together – search);
  • it is necessary to consider style and also registration of the house adjoining site, its illumination, type of plants.

Technology of drawing

Theater, speak, painting of a facade of the house on plaster – from preparation of a workplace, preparation of necessary tools, purchase of materials begins with a hanger, and. Choose days with good weather conditions and start preparation of a surface of plaster.

All this can take more time, than coloring process, especially, if the painting material is applied mechanically. Except for some details, painting is carried out as in good old days: layer-by-layer, with drying of each layer.

The conditions necessary for performance of work are given in the instruction from producer of colourful materials. Think over how to paint all wall for one pass, without allowing a break that it was not formed specific color stains.

Tools for work

Choosing between mechanical and manual coloring, we will prefer the speed of performance of work and smaller application of own efforts. For mechanical work prepare an airbrush and the compressor.

But also in case of use of an airbrush the hand tool is required:

  • brushes (wide and narrow, flat and round);
  • rollers with several spare fur coats (porolonovy – only for primer, for paint – velors or fur);
  • painting adhesive tape and film for protection of window covers, handles, other not painted details;
  • mixer.

Also the step-ladder or a scaffolding will be necessary for coloring outside of the top sites of the house, a security measure.

Reference to the main publication